3 Pain-Killing Strains You’ll Find From Dispensaries in Los Angeles California

Visit any one of the many dispensaries in Los Angeles, California, and you’ll be welcomed with shelves of different cannabis strains. Apart from the recreational aspect, each one plausibly possesses the ability to elicit certain effects that may help with a specific condition you’re dealing with.

Whether you’re having trouble falling asleep, facing anxiety on a constant basis, or losing your appetite, there is a strain attached to each one. For this article, we’ll focus on those that help eradicate body pain.

Cannabis vs. Pain

First, let’s make it clear that there are more studies needed to establish a solid conclusion about cannabis being indeed an effective alternative for pain relief. But the findings so far are pointing to the positive.

Take this 2017 peer review published in the National Library of Medicine, for example. It concluded that cannabis use led to a “decreased need for prescription opioids for those suffering from chronic pain. Another study pointed out the decrease in traffic fatalities caused by opioid use in states where medical cannabis laws are in effect.

Cannabis research has been going on for decades now, and more and more findings are surfacing. In a matter of years, we can expect a more definitive conclusion, but for now, we’ll take a look at the different strains that are associated with pain relief.

KO Kush

The name itself should be a giveaway of what to expect from this potent strain. With 22% THC, this indica-dominant hybrid will knock you off your feet and into slumberland after a few monster tokes. But if you slow it down a bit, it will lull you into a pleasant state of deep relaxation within moments.

Another bonus with the KO Kush is its taste. It has a spicy fuel and pine flavor combo, which by reading, may not seem too appealing. But you will appreciate its effect on your mouth and taste buds once you’re elevated into a new state of consciousness.


Medical marijuana users would be delighted with this next strain. CBD OX is a 1:1 CBD to THC strain that provides you with the perfect balance and the best of both worlds. People who’ve used this strain usually feel calm after those first few hits. Soon after, all their bodily stresses and discomfort begin to melt away.

With a hint of spice and notes of coffee and berry, CBD OX is also noticeable because of its deep green buds covered with orange hairs. Talk about being both a visual and tasty treat.

Blue Zombie

Finally, we have Blue Zombie, and the name itself is also a good indicator of what to expect. This full indica strain will enhance your mood first before slowly easing you into a state of pleasant sedation. And you’ll feel it all within the first hour.

As a bonus, it comes with a coffee flavor and a hint of skunky grape to make things a little more interesting.

Dispensaries in Los Angeles California

Get Your Pain Killing Strains From One of the Best Dispensaries in Los Angeles, California

We at Roots Los Angeles have a wide selection of pain killing strains to help ease your discomforts. Our main branch is located along Sherman Way in Sun Valley, but we have other stores across LA County.

For more information, visit our website or call us at (818) 210-0095.

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